Clean Energy City
Energy Proforma
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View neighborhood attributes
Click on each category to expand the form.
Neighborhood Name (required)
Two adults in the household (1 = yes, 0 = no) (Three or more adults = 1; less than three adults = 0)
Three or more adults in the household (1 = yes, 0 = no) (Three or more adults = 1; less than three adults = 0)
(Number of employed HH members)
(HH composition: Single person = 1)
One or more children in the household (1 = yes, 0 = no) (One or more children = 1; no children = 0)
One or more elderly in the household (1 = yes, 0 = no)
(Yes = 1; No = 0)
No workers in the household (1 = yes, 0 = no) (No workers in HH = 1; One or more workers = 0)
(Floor number of apartment)
(Number of bedrooms)
Is homeowner (1 = yes, 0 = no) (Renter = 1; Own w/o mortgage = 2; Own w/mortgage = 3)
Is renter (1 = yes, 0 = no) (u)
Uses company car (1 = yes, 0 = no) (u)
(Number of air conditioning units)
Owns solar water heater (1 = yes, 0 = no) (u)
Uses electric heating (1 = yes, 0 = no) (u)
Attitude towards owning car as prestige (u)
Attitude towards public transit (Likert scale: 1 to 5)
Attitude towards biking (Likert scale: 1 to 5)
Attitude that time spent on transit is a waste (Likert scale: 1 to 5)
(Likert scale: 1 to 5)
(Likert scale: 1 to 5)
(Likert scale: 1 to 5)
(Likert scale: 1 to 5)
(Likert scale: 1 to 5)
Sun and Wind
Photovoltaic effectiveness (1 = low, 2 = medium, 3 = high) (u)
Distance to nearest CBD (km)
(This is a calculated factor.)
(This is a calculated factor.)
(This is a calculated factor.)
(This is a calculated factor.)
Building Efficiency (u)
ventilation (u)
shading (u)
insulation (u)
Parking area per HH (u)
Parking type (u)
Facade Continuity (%)
Underground parking area per HH (below-grade components with usage "parking" will override this attribute) (sqm)
BRT (u)
Number of NH perimeter entry points (u)
Average apartment unit size (sqm)
Land Use
Number of intersections within neighborhood area (u)
(Percentage of total road intersections (including cul-de-sacs) that are cul-de-sacs)
(Increase in fuel efficiency per year (i.e. a 4% improvement would be entered as 0.04))
Building Classes (15)
Building Class 1
Building Class 2
Building Class 3
Building Class 4
Building Class 5
Building Class 6
Building Class 7
Building Class 8
Building Class 9
Building Class 10
Building Class 11
Building Class 12
Building Class 13
Building Class 14
Building Class 15
Window-to-Wall Ratio (% as decimal)
Shared Wall Ratio (% as decimal)
Number of Commercial Floors (u)
Number of Industrial Floors (u)
Number of Institutional Floors (u)
Number of Community Facility Floors (u)
% of first floor that is residential (u)
% of first floor that is commercial (u)
% of roof PV coverage (u)
(not used) (u)
% of roof that is green space (u)
% of south wall PV coverage (u)
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